Monday, November 12, 2007

About me

About me...

I am somewhat reluctant to talk about me. Why should anyone care to hear about me or what I have to say? I have been toying with the idea of writing a blog for a while. But may be an interesting experiment to see how it goes. So this a general synopsis of my life which may get more detailed as this blog evolves.

I grew up in a conservative Christian home in the south.

Graduated Sigma Cum Laude from a small Pentecostal Bible College. By my senior year I had become disillusioned about Christianity. Since then I have struggled with understanding God/spirituality/truth.

Politically, I was raised pretty much like any other American at the time. My dad was a staunch Republican. My mother was a Democrat. I took the Democratic track thinking that they were trying to help people. I bought into the American Dream. Loving our country and our freedom. Proud to live in a country with the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Freedom and Democracy.

By my college graduation, I was married and had to start earning a living. The problem is that I did not want to go work in a church, so my degree was pretty much worthless. I worked a number of jobs from construction to phone room customer service positions. Low pay, no future. Always hoping to create that dream of a better life. I life of financial and personal freedom.

As I lived my life, I had a nagging suspicion that things may not be what we were taught all along. Aside from normal human frailties, things did not add up. Religious leaders who promised salvation and enlightenment, but had no clue. Politicians. Why did they keep doing things that were obviously so stupid and wrong? Financial Gurus who taught how to get rich, then go broke or even go to jail for fraud.

I have studied yoga, meditation, reincarnation, out of body experiences, rebirthing and general “New Age” philosophy. I am a third degree Rieki, and a Quantum Touch practitioner. I am a student of NLP and hypnosis. I am a certified Handwriting Analyst. I have never seen (as far as I know) an angel, UFO, god, devil, alien, or reptilian, although I have met people who say they have.

I can not say at this time that those things do or do not exist. I am not dismissing the possibility either.

I have studied the works of various sources such as Nexus Magazine, David Icke, Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, Greg Sysmanski, Alan Watt and others. I can not say that I agree with any of them 100%.

I can not say I disagree with them totally either.

I have come to the conclusion, based on what I have learned, tied in with what I have learned about history, that much of what they say is true. There are layers of deception in our knowledge. Much of what we have to do is sort out the truth from the BS.

From previous experience with direct marketing, I have become intrigued with writing, especially copywriting. Marketing and Internet sales is something I have been learning about lately. I have been studying copywriting from AIWA. Catalog copywriting from Jay White.

So that is what this blog will be about. Sharing some information and insights that you might find interesting or useful or challenging. Sharing some opportunities for change.

Now, I don't claim to have all the answers. I think I have some of them. And I am figuring out what questions they go with.

Do not believe anything I say just because I say it. Please do your own research. Anyone can write a book or a blog or a website. Just because it is on the TV, or the evening news or the newspaper does not mean it is true. Be your own guru.

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