by David Riffey
One of the favorite things we handwriting analysts like to do is to examine the handwriting of famous or successful people. We can see the personality traits that enabled that person to achieve their goals in life. This is a sample of a famous person who is greatly admired by people all over the world.
Self Esteem is an overall measure of a person’s self image and goals. A person with high self esteem will choose goals that are more risky and have greater rewards. This is indicated by how high the t-bar crosses the t-stem. If a person has low t-bars they fear change. But a person with high t-bars believes they deserve to have the things they want and can achieve them. Of course, there is a limit to everything. A t-bar that floats above the t-stem reveals the dreamer. That person may be impractical about their desires. In this example, this man was a person of high achievement. He came up from humble beginnings to become one of history’s greatest.
Enthusiasm is the excitement that can drive the motivated person . Enthusiasm is contagious. People like to be around someone who passionately believes in what they are doing. He was passionately devoted to his cause. Detractors, after once meeting him became admirers.
Now, as you look at your own handwriting; how is your self esteem? Could it be higher? Would enthusiasm propel you to greater accomplishments? Begin now to create positive change in your life by changing your handwriting. Raise your t-bars. Feel the thrill of that long t-bar that moves through life with passion.
Oh... who was this great man? Abe Lincoln.
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