Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Twitter Sizes Up SmallThought For New Analytics Tool | Driving Traffic

Twitter Sizes Up SmallThought For New Analytics Tool

22. Jun, 2010 0 Comments

A lot of us know that Twitter works, because we’ve seen it work.  It’s amazing that if you know how and what to Tweet, you can really drive a load of traffic to your sites and build a solid list…For FREE!

The tough part is that there isn’t an honest way to do analytics on your Twitter account so that you can do the fine-tuning to boost results. Because of this, Twitter can feel like a monotonous venture at times. Right?

Well Twitter ain’t no fool, and maybe they actually listen to what we’re saying. Why?  Twitter just acquired a web analytics company called SmallThought.

SmallThought is an analytics teams that Twitter has worked with before to create their online internal networks.  From what I’ve read, they sound like a scary smart group of coders that are capable of doing some serious good for Twitter.

What does this mean for you?

Twitter is working with this new team to create and integrate a new analytics tool that you can use to gain truly pertinent information regarding your Twitter account’s performance.  We don’t know specifics yet on what info you’ll get, but I’m guessing it will be highly useful  based on SmallThought past work.

What can you do with it?

Well, hopefully the information will enable you to tweak your Twitter efforts and assess your performance.

What metrics would you like to see in Twitter Analytics? Comment Below, I’d love to know what your brains are thinking!

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