Wednesday, September 1, 2010

iPhone app to replace the stethoscope - Telegraph

iPhone app to replace the stethoscope

The iPhone could replace the stethoscope as millions of doctors across the world are signing up for a free app created by University College London.

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iPhone app to replace the stethascope
iStethoscope Pro app Photo: PETER BENTLEY

Peter Bentley invented the iStethoscope application which monitors heartbeat through sensors in the phone as just a bit of fun.

But it took off and now 500 apps are being downloaded everyday after a free version was introduced last week.

"Everybody is very excited about the potential of the adoption of mobile phone technology into the medical workplace, and rightly so," said Bentley.

"Smartphones are incredibly powerful devices packed full of sensors, cameras, high-quality microphones with amazing displays," he said

In the furture it could be possible for people to conduct their own ultrasounds or monitor blood pressure through smartphones.

Posted via email from moneytalks's posterous

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