Friday, December 17, 2010

Tea Party: You're Not Going to Ban my Cul de Sac | dagblog

Tea Party: You're Not Going to Ban my Cul de Sac

After the 'ballots or bullets' midterm elections, Tea Party activists looked around and discovered that while they had been saving Americans from health care reform,  a global demon (second only to Soros) had infiltrated their local communities.

Specifically, it came to their attention that local planning agencies who promote Sustainable Development are actually under the control of the United Nations, and intend to abolish private property, free enterprise and individual liberty as laid out in the UN's Agenda 21.


OK, so what we have here is Sustainable Development, defined as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" and Agenda 21, the 1992 UN program that creates the programs, policies and strategies to implement the agenda necessary for a sustainable world. Thus a conspiracy theory is born,  bare bones Blowing Smoke style.

Here's how it shakes out down the slippery slope.  At the local level, cul de sacs are banned in favor of bike-sharing (remember Colorado's Republican wannabe governor, Dan Maes?).  Before you know it, golf courses, cars, and air-conditioning have gone down their final cul de sac and the citizens are living in their little 'hobbit homes'  in "human habitation zones" within the cities. Under Agenda 21's agenda for wealth distribution, which destroys free enterprise and individual liberty, it is only a small step to the abolition of private property and the Constitution, which will then "...bring socialism (communism) to the United States and the world through fake environmentalism. It is the backdoor plan the globalists are using to establish tyranny and it is making inroads into communities across America."

Because tea partiers aren't the types that spend their time at home, particularly time at home researching 'facts', they have started attending local public meetings armed with Power Points and handouts with imaginary facts on Agenda 21. I used to work for a consulting group that planned these local meetings, and I can just imagine the astonishment and incredulousness the planners must feel upon hearing proclamations of "smart growth communism" and "human habitation zones" when discussing public transit.

The worst of the worst cities are the ones that have joined ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives).  If you would like to check your city's status, click here for the 'City of Shame' list. Information on how to combat Agenda 21, whether your city is on the list or not, can be found here.  If your city is on the list, a Misprision of Treason letter warning your local officials that they have violated their oath by implementing foreign policies that are inconsistent with the Constitution, is ready to go after filling in a few blanks.

What motivates the tea drinkers to believe that Sustainable Development is a high speed route to tyranny and loss of liberty?  As Stephanie Mencimer notes in the Mother Jones article, tea partiers believe they are the Real Americans and real Americans live in the suburbs and rural areas.   Consider Sarah Palin's book tours. They take place in the small towns of Real America,  like Noblesville, Ind., Roanoke, Va., Washington, Pa., military bases at Fort Bragg and Fort Hood, and the Villages, a GOP-friendly retirement community outside Orlando, Fla.

The rest of America, the elites, according to the Tea Party, live in the cities.  As President of the Harvard Law Review, Barak Obama told The Associated Press: “I’m not interested in the suburbs. The suburbs bore me.”

In article after article, the press has enumerated the problems attached to suburbs, prophesied the decline of suburbia and suggested that today's suburban McMansions will be tomorrow's McNightmares.  Then, after the glow of the midterm elections, the second largest newspaper in the country offers this analysis:  "Republicans do the best in areas that are typically not growing very fast and don't look like the present, or certainly the future, of the country."

"Conservatives who are committed to the notion that liberals represent the interests of an alien class of people who hate and oppress "real Americans" tend to be averse to any kind of political compromise. Distrusting the intentions of their opponents, they assume that liberal policies are not well-intentioned proposals to help the country but merely schemes to disenfranchise and persecute white Christian conservatives…"


 …[T]he growth of persecution politics has brought the fringe ideas to the mainstream and turned far-right crackpots into electable candidates." [Blowing Smoke, pp 260-261]

Photo: Empty cul-de-sacs fill an area south of Rotonda West in Charlotte County, Florida. Map, Street View. (© Google) #


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