Friday, November 18, 2011

Sherrie Questioning All: Thrive the Movie - Is NOT about Thriving at all! In my opinion, It sucks energy out of you and does not give any real solutions! It is an Elite controlled and made Movie - This is contrary to "popular" belief!

Thrive the Movie - Is NOT about Thriving at all! In my opinion, It sucks energy out of you and does not give any real solutions! It is an Elite controlled and made Movie - This is contrary to "popular" belief!

I watched the much hyped  Thrive movie on 11/16/11.  I had  put a trailer on this blog about it coming out on 11/11/11, which I now have taken down after seeing the movie.

I know what I am posting about it, is totally contrary to "popular" belief and the hype about it.

In my opinion the movie was made to suck people's energy out of them and make them feel hopeless!  It is so overwhelming in what they say.   For one hour and 37 minutes it is nothing but "You have no Hope and you are a slave!"

As I watched the movie I wrote down notes on what they were talking about, which I have the notes below.

I personally believe this film was made by the same elite that he (Gamble) talks about in the movie and how they control every aspect of the world.

The guy that made the movie is a Proctor and Gamble heir.

He does not give any real solutions at all!  He promotes his website and says solutions are there.  He says there are foundations around the world people should join to help.  Yet, we know most foundations are created by those who try and control,  he is telling us to join them?

He gives the solutions after 1 hour and 37 minutes of nothing but "We are totally controlled" information, of what we already know has to happen to be free.  But the truth is... we know that the solutions are something that are impossible with the structure of government we have.   The elected officials would have to "End the Fed - they would have to stop their own corporation campaign monies."  It is not going to happen, they are not going to do that.  The movie even says our elected officials are completely controlled by a handful of people.

What the movie does is simply put out there, all the things most of us know who have been awake and aware.  Remember the elite tell you exactly what is going on, they have to.. part of their karma.  They know people know all the information, so they went ahead and put it in a super very expensive production movie.

It came out on 11/11/11 and they wanted people to watch it that day.  A day of master numbers where people should be connecting to the higher energies, but if they had watched that movie that day their energies were lowered and sucked out, in my opinion.  There was nothing about Thriving in the movie in my opinion, it was about every conspiracy theory there is to make you feel depressed and caged in as a slave!

The title is completely misleading - it should be "We have made a movie to show you how we control everything in the world and there is nothing you can really do about it."

I am not saying there is nothing we can do about it, personally.  I believe where we put our energies is what we get.  People have to understand, the top "elite" of the world understand how the universe works.  That information is kept from us "normal" folks.  They know how to use tools to keep our energy where they want it.  They know through our energies we could over power them.  But NOT by joining foundations and organizations they themselves have formed for controlled dissent.   The movie even says "The elite control the dissent."  They tell you this.... did you listen if you saw the movie?

I believe we can all thrive when we intently and purposely put our energies and thoughts in creating the best for ourselves and the world.  We start on the inside with our own energies and changing the energies from worry and fear to expectation of the best coming to us.

  I wrote this post the other day about our energies and thoughts creating our future.

By the time of 1 hour and 37 minutes, I was so over the movie and tense from all it was saying, I had been waiting and waiting for that "Thrive" moment.

Here is the "Image for the Thrive Movie":  - what is that image telling you?  I know what it is telling me... they recognize the world is waking up and now they have come right out in front of it... to keep the control of the waking up and keeping the energy where they want.  The movie uses the "All seeing eye" -

If you watch the movie..... watch it with a discerning mind...... think about what he is telling you how he is directing your energy and thoughts!

I personally believe it was Created by those who he talks about that "run the world" after seeing it!
I will never recommend this movie to anyone, no matter how hyped up it is as being "The awakening movie!"

 Here are the things talked about in the movie in the form of short bullets and areas talked about. I wrote these as he talked about them - so they are exactly what I wrote as I watched.  Just words to say this is what was discussed.: 


crop circles

The fed govt. has taken every new free energy invented -  labs always raided and all inventions taken - govt. takes all real inventions

Our food is GM - is to force humanity to be dependent on a few corporations that control the food of the world

Energy and food is controlled by a handful of banking families - always same families in charge - through corporations or foundations.

Wanted through schools - an obedient and useful person to do their bidding.




Medical - suppresses cures and and they have destroyed all technology that has cured cancer from others.  They have burned down labs that have cured cancer.  

A handful of people have control over the energy, food supply, education and healthcare - every aspect of our lives.  They do it by controlling the money.

takes you through the levels of control - govt. is controlled by the corporations.

We live to pay off debt to the banks - they get to create money out of nothing, but people have to work hard for it.

Fed reserve - private bank is backed by fed govt of police  - to stop those who blow whistles.

Trillions given to banks - Rothschild's, Rockefeller and Morgan's -

orchestrated to consolidate wealth and power in 2008

Banks get the real wealth - property and money - 

BIS - Rothschild bank is the main bank and controller of the world

Bankers already have vast fortunes what is the end game?

Controlling and dominance of the world - total and global

What do they have to control to control the world  - below is controlled








Only thing not controlled is internet 

Dissent has to be controlled

Those who have control









All seeing eye is a symbol of those who control

Shows symbols

including freemason


Since they have more money for generations than can be spent and can create money

it is all about POWER that is why they do it.

They think freedom is dangerous - they don't think people would use freedom wisely.

New World Order - Bush, Brown, Kissinger Pope - talking about New World Order needed

NWO is a divide and conquer strategy

to make people against each other - Democrat - Republican etc... yet they are all controlled by the same group 

Power to focus our efforts

They dictate the norms of society - so people judge others - 

when you step out of the norm and step out to show your uniqueness - they have others jump on those who step out of the norm.  

By norms being created by the elite/illuminati - they have everyone suppress the ones who step out of the accepted norm.

systematically distracted and suppressed - 

police state - debt - 

they will stop at nothing to gain global dominance. 

they plan on transferring American wealth, jobs - got us so deep in debt - can never repay it.  

Can financially disable everyone in the U.S. from finances.  

Carbon tax - paid to world bank 

they create a crisis - 9/11 - banking problem - then they give the reasons why it happened.  MSM is public relations for the govt and banking elite.

they create fear - in people - saying we want solutions - then create police state and control

Vietnam war under false pretenses - based on lies

Iraq based on lies

9/11 false flag - to dismantle constitution and take over oil in middle east

then shows death and war

police state already in place - U.S. citizens can be imprisoned without due cause - we are being watched surveillance cameras every where.

every phone call and email is collected by Fed govt.  

RFID chips - being inserted in people

All things always to "help" people

full spectrum dominance - can target anyone on Earth

Containment camps - FEMA camps are set up all over US

Depopulation is being done - it is real - documents eugenics 

Vaccines are used to sterilize people - chemical spraying over towns -

Rothschild - Rockefeller foundations

Govt. part of it.

GM corn - created to sterilize males

direct depopulation agenda


AT 1 hour and 38 minutes into nothing but depressing information - that we are totally controlled in every way and watched - they finally start giving solutions

Says it is for the soul of humanity!

Agenda is based some more deserving than others - based on scarcity and fear.

Can only do it if people don't wake up.... Have to wake up to save world.

Withdrawal our support - to the banking - non violent standing up 

Power of truth!

GMO freedom zones - through grass roots 

at 1 hour and 47 minutes starts promoting it's website.......

The actions - are on their site - 

solution saying - dismantle Fed... 

actions as individuals

get informed

connect with others

bank locally

buy and invest responsibly

join movement to end fed

join - fair open internet

get info from independent media

support non GMO farming

support campaign reform

advocate for renewal energy

do critical mass action

non violation society

to implement that society - has to 

3 stages of solution

Stage 1

integrity to systems

cut military spending in half

get rid of Fed Reserve

eliminating poverty

no GMO food

stage 2

protect liberty

stop oil

stage 3

people more money

no tax

free energy

no rulers

individual rights

Aikido - martial arts - is a way through balance

connect with the energy of Earth

Do not respond to what is happening with violence - all needs to be non aggression

we are energy fields 

inner person/life - relationship with self - 

people have to wake so the scheme of global domination is exposed

people have to stand up for liberty


Notice he did not mention how Churches also are part of the control 

He did not mention what the real secrets of the universe are and how the Elite know the secrets and he does not give us any information for us to know those secrets.  Which would actually make the people Thrive!

He gives all fear information and then impossible solutions! 

The real solutions are each one of us, directing our energy to truth and to ourselves and each other in positive good intents and taking actions through them!  Once we stop being against each other - we could form the energy and strength needed to stop the matrix that has been formed.  But, it is keeping us divided that is important to the elite for control.  

Added 11/18/11 - 6:15 AM EST.

Before I was falling asleep last night, the thought of why they created this film came to me.

They know that people know all the information in it.  They consolidated all the information of what they have accomplished and they made an "In your face, triumphant movie". 

This movie is about the Elite having Thrived and they wanted to show the world what they have accomplished!  This is their ultimate movie for all those awake and aware.  They are laughing and saying "We have managed to control all aspects of your life and the world and we are showing you in a fancy and expensively produced movie."    

Everyone sees things different ways.  The comments show that some people have felt the same thing as I did about the movie and others have liked it.    The way I saw it, is from my own inner thoughts/knowing, which is right for myself, so I stand by all I have written.

Posted via email from moneytalks's posterous

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