Monday, June 21, 2010

HOW TO : Enable Wordpress 3.0 New Features After Upgradation

WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious” has been released few days back, and you all must have heard and upgraded it. But Apart from few things like Lighter Interface and New Menus Link you will not be seeing some options which were said to be there.

So where are they hiding, and how to activate those cool new WordPress 3.0 features which we have discussed before.

Here are some of the best links/tutorials which can help you to make those features enabled easily. I would say these tutorials are not for beginners, but few month old blogger will know what is required in a proper way.

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New Features & How to Get them Started in your theme

1. WordPress and WordPress MU have merged, allowing the management of multiple sites (called Multisite) from one WordPress installation.

WordPress Multisite Activation

2. New custom menu management feature, allows creation of custom menus combining posts, pages, categories, tags, and links for use in theme menus or widgets.

3. Custom header and background APIs.

4. Improved Custom post types

5. Custom taxonomies

6. New Theme Template Files

I hope these links can make your WordPress 3.0 lively as it should be. Its one the most advanced CMS with perfect SEO and it gives you a satisfaction of being a blogger. Let us know what do you think about the new features in WordPress 3.0

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Posted via web from moneytalks's posterous

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